TEL: 444 4 873TRD



TradeAll UP is an electronic Trading platform which allows investors to carry out International stocks and Futures transactions under Ak Yatırım’s assurance, directly communicate orders to markets. Investors can trade in FX markets with Tradeall Meta FX electronic Trading platform.

The Corporate Sales Department provides services for corporate investors abroad who wish to invest in the capital markets of Turkey.

The Research Department serves corporate investors with the research reports and macroeconomic reports it issues about the companies listed in the Istanbul Stock Exchange. Retail clients can also access research reports about stocks at any time over the Internet.

The Corporate Financing Department's services include public offerings, company mergers and acquisitions, privatization consulting, issuing bonds and bills, and financial consulting.

The International Markets Department also offers retail and corporate investors the opportunity to access global markets with TradeAll. Investors can trade in FX, Futures, CFDs and International Equity markets via electronic Trading Platforms.